The power of silence

Silence is something we rarely experience in the world of constant distraction. Everywhere we go we can always find entertainment in that little digital box all of us are carrying with us. If we are not scrolling we are listening to a podcast. If we are not listening to a podcast we are listening to music. Not listening to music we hear the constant chatter of our own minds. 

I felt the profound effect of silence during my second 10-day silent meditation retreat in Thailand. No talking, no reading, no writing, no eye contact, and only 10 hours of meditation every single day. 

I know what you are thinking. I could never or why would one ever! However, I believe there has not been anything as transformative as these ten days were. I expected it to be easier the second time around, but boy was I wrong. The inner critic in my head had a field trip the first few days. Questioning my ability to be able to do the meditations. Struggling with hunger since my last meal every day was at 11 in the morning. Judging myself for not being able to deal with the heat and the terrifying insects in the middle of the jungle. The constant urge to be checking my email or to do something ‘’productive’.

By day three, I suddenly felt a shift from constantly judging my experience to only feeling my experience. Noticing how everything truly does come and go. Whether it’s a difficult thought or even physical pain. It is our attachment and desire to always seek out the pleasant and our aversion to all things unpleasant that creates our suffering. I was finally able to see every moment for what it was without the story attached to it.

I wish I could tell you that everything since then is only bliss and serenity, but that is not true. However, I do have the ability to go back to that feeling and keep checking in with myself even in the midst of the chaos of everyday life.

Let this be your reminder to take a few moments every day to just sit or be in silence and feel for yourself what it can do.


Ride the waves